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Izmantotā literatūra:

  1. Caunlfield, H., P. (1991) “The Conservation and Environmental Movements: An Historical Analysis” in Lester, P.J. (ed.) (1991) “Environmental Politics and the Policy. Theories and Evidence”, USA: Duke University Press, 14. – 56.p
  2. Corcon, P. B., Wals, A.E.J. (eds.) (2004) Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability. Problematics, Promise, and Practice, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 358.lpp
  3. Environmental Protection Agency : [26.03.2008.]
  4. Frasu.C., Estrada, S., R.(1998) „Communicating for Development”, Human Change for Survival, New York: B.Tauris, 39 – 60 p
  5. Gombrihs E.H. (1997) „Mākslas vēsture”, Rīga.: Zvaigzne ABC, 573.-577. lpp.
  6. Hurrell, A., Kingsbury, B. (1992) “The International Politics of Environment: Actors, Interests and Institutions” in Palmer, J., A. (1998) „Environmental Education in the 21st Century: Theory, Practise, Progress and Promise”, New York: Routledge, 284.p
  7. IUCN (1971) in Palmer, J., A. (1998) „Environmetantal Education in the 21st Century: Theory, Practise, Progress and Promise”, New York: Routledge, 284.p
  8. McCrea, E.J. (2006) “The roots of Environmental Education: How the past supports future”, National Environmental Education Training Partnership:, [16.01.2007.]
  9. McKeown, R. (2002) „Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit”, USA: Center for Geography and Environmental Education University of Tennessee:
  10. Palmer, J., A. (1998) „Environmental Education in the 21st Century: Theory, Practise, Progress and Promise”, New York: Routledge, 284.p
  11. Rest, A. (2002) „ From „Environmental Education” to „Education for Sustainable Development’’ – The shift of paradigm”, Environemtal Policy and Law, 32/2 79- 85.p
  12. Sterling (1996) „Education in Change” in Huckle, J., Sterling, S.(eds.) (1996) „Education for Sustainability”, London: Earsthscan Publications Limited, 19 p.
  13. The National Curriculum of England (2004) in Palmer, J., A. (1998) „Environmetantal Education in the 21st Century: Theory, Practise, Progress and Promise”, New York: Routledge, 284.p
  14. UNESCO (1972) UN Conference on Human Environment, Stockholm from 5 to 16 June, 1972
  15. UNESCO (2003) “United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (January 2005 – December 2014): Framework for a Draft International Implementation Scheme’, Paris, France, UNESCO Center for Environmental Education (2007)
  16. UNESCO (2006) Education for sustainable development. Quality education for all: basic competences for lifelong learning. The European Dimension and the Baltic Vision: eur_north_amer/svietimasvisiems_pdf [24.12.2007.]
  17. United Nations University (2005):
  18. Vare, P. and Scott, W. (2007) “Learning for a Change: exploring the relationship between education and sustainable development”, Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 1:2,p. 191–198
  19. Wheeler (1985) „Environmental Education: An Historical Perspective” in Palmer, J., A. (1998) „Environmental Education in the 21st Century: Theory, Practise, Progress and Promise”, New York: Routledge, 5.p